Hello! Welcome to my first post. So what's with the blog you may ask? Well...we are well into the new year and every year I give myself a new challenge. This year it's the 30 day Bikram Yoga challenge.
What is Bikram? "Bikram is a form of yoga that is based around a strict set of 24 ‘asana’ (postures), 2 ‘panayama’ (breathing exercises) and a high temperature dynamic and is becoming increasingly popular. So, what does Bikram Yoga entail? Well, let’s get one thing straight: it’s not for the faint-hearted this intense workout takes place in a room that is warmed to a heatstroke-inducing 40ºC (105ºF) and 40% humidity. The cardiovascular class generally lasts for 90 minutes and in that time students are put through a gruelling regime of stretches and flexibility exercises aimed at increasing strength, balance and suppleness". (realbuzz.com)
My last Bikram class was well over a year ago and I was never a regular but always enjoyed it, however the repetition put me off going anymore than twice a month and it's not so great for your wallet! One sesh can cost up to £15.
How did I decide on this challenge? I was totally inspired by two people I know who are both midway through their challenges, one of whom (Kath) is going through her second challenge, follow her here: http://asweatyadventure.blogspot.com/. I've been saying for the last few months that I want to get back into Bikram as the benefits are numerous: lose weight, flushes toxins from your body, improves flexibility, tones, strengthens, improves circulation and much more. So what better way to get back into Bikram than to throw myself into a 30 day challenge!
The challenge is self explanatory, do it for 30 days consecutively. Start date is 01.03.11 - 12 days to go......this blog will give you a daily account of my challenge.
Wish me luck!
Awesome Mon, good luck you'll be fine. Get some Ultra Musceleze and good quality electrolytes (no sugary ones). Thanks for the plug too! Channel that British Bulldog determination!!!