Whoop! Day 30 - done! It's a bit of an anti climax, I feel like... yay I've done it, ok then! It was another strong session today, I was getting deep into the postures and locking those knees, I am still crap with pulling the stomach in but that will be a focus in the next challenge, yes, I've decided I will do this again later in the year.
I had a particularly good Standing Bow Pose - Dandayamana Dhanurasana, for the first time ever I held the posture for the full time (roughly a minute in the first round and 30 secs in the second), I normally fall out once during the first round so was pleased and it was deep:
My leg was not as straight as the lady in the image, this is something I'm working on but my focus was on point today. This is great for: stimulating the cardiovascular system, increases circulation to the heart and lungs, improves strength and balance and the elasticity in the spine.
Going off on a bit of a tangent, I saw a couple of people blow their noses into the towels today! Gross!
I checked on my friend Bilal in the morning. He reported he was fine, phew (!) and said that his skin felt less dry than usual. This is certainly something I have found too, Bikram has been great for my eczema. It's also been great for focus and concentration, in general, I've been feeling great, energised and not moaned about being tired ( except for the day I did the 6.30am class) as my friend Good Time Mercer thought I would be doing, cheek!
I did this 30 day challenge because I like to challenge myself every year. I decided on Bikram because I've heard many medical benefits about this type of yoga. Not that I have any issues to worry about right now but I don't want to be in an situation when I'm in my 60's and I'm limping about cos I've got a dodgy hip or knee. I'm also not the most flexible of people so I wanted to work on that too. Besides the physical, it's been great for the mind and escaping from everyday life for 90 minutes a day, just emptying away any worries....
Lots of people have asked me if I've lost any weight, up until last week, I didn't shift any pounds but I noticed today when I got onto the scales that I've lost 3kgs which is a result as I've just been eating whatever I've wanted and loads of it!
I've developed a bit of an addiction for Bikram and will continue with it at least twice a week until the next challenge in the autumn.....